I made the ultimate mistake the other day while the hubs was golfing....you see,
I really needed to take a shower and figured if I kept the girl in the bathroom with me and made sure the toilet seat was down..she had a few toys to play with...and I kept the curtain cracked so I could get to her fast everything would be fine. And
everyone did great...
except for my brand new roll of toilet paper...yea, that did not fare so well...but at least Addie had some fun. So on this lovely Friday I'll leave
wishes for a wonderful weekend and some
pictures of the crime scene...
WHO ME?? |
Yeah mom, I don't know how that happened... |
You really think I did that...mom, I would never... |
Ok...it was me, I won't do it again... |
I'll even leave the prize behind! |
Happy Friday!!!
Haha she is much cuter than my cat (my cat frequently does this same thing and it drives me crazy!). love the pictures
Ha ha she does look like she's already trying to use the "What who me face?" LOL! Man how are you going to give that cute little face a timeout...she's going to be a tough one with those big eyes!
Love it! At least she didn't try to eat it the TP - that's def what mine woulda done!
Have a great weekend!
Stopping by from Jenna's! I always have the dilemma with Lila when I have to take a shower. Sometimes I strip her down and put her on the floor of the tub with her bath toys. That way she gets washed too and I can keep an eye on her.
Bahaha...love this and her expressions, adorable! :)
oh how little ones love toilet paper!! Hopefully she won't be like my boys and try to put all the paper IN the toilet :)
Have a great weekend!
haha oh no! That sweet face couldn't have done something like that. I dont believe that :)
hehe so adorable!
Too funny!!! She is definitely giving you "the eyes" lol. What a doll :)
I know you hated to loose a brand new roll of toilet paper but doesn't all that irritation just melt away when you look at that adorable face? I'm going to have a hard time when my son starts getting into things, his pouty face is my kryptonite!
Haha so cute! I am terrified of the things E will get into when she starts crawling- what a fun stage your little one is in! New follower from Jennas, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!!
HAHAHA awwwww I usually pop mine into a bouncer while I shower and sing or talk to her lol.
Oh my word. She is adorable!! And so tan!
Ha! I love it! I remember the first time I caught Mia with the toilet paper. It was a moment where I realized it had been quiet for way to long. I was a room away. By the time I got to her she was cracking up at herself and loving every minute of her work :)
Have a great weekend!
Too funny! But hey, it kept her occupied and out of serious trouble so that you could take a shower. I vote thumbs up for toilet paper entertainment :)
I now have visions of Maddie doing this soon!! I LOVE the pics...such a cutie!
She is way too cute to have made that mess!!!
Alivia hasn't discovered the toilet paper yet and I'm shocked. I'm sure it's only a matter of time!
Haha! I love it! She's too cute - even her guilty look. lol
stopping by from jenna's your little girl is precious! It seems our little girls are only a few months apart.
haha how funny and adorable! I absolutely love her "it wasn't me!" look!
Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday!
haha, oh how fun can a roll of toilet paper be, hehe, just as much as an empty water bottle, plastic containers, empty oatmeal containers! haha. she is so cute! hope you're having a great weekend!
Classic! Adorable photos. I guess you could just chalk it up to another reason to buy recycled T.P. ;)
Oh the joys of trying to get the daily shower!
She definitely looks sweet even though she did it :)
LOVE THESE! So glad you captured it on camera instead of just picking it up! I have a great TP shot from my son too!
She is a beauty!!!
Priceless! I have a 6 yr. old and a 3 month old and am looking forward to many adventures like these in the next few months! I love reading blogs of other working moms and am going to join in on the weightloss challenge as well. Feel free to stop by my blog and see what my family is up to. I will be back to visit you often! :) Lana
She is gorgeous!! TP is such a fun toy. I have to hide it now!
Cute post! Looks like she had tons of fun.
Stopping by from Jenna's.
So cute! She is adorable!
So cute!!!
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