Meet the prizes:
$10 Starbucks gift card - For anyone that reads regularly...you know this is one of my favorite things. And if you're an iced coffee addict like myself, I highly recommend the Iced Coffee Vias that Starbucks now has. They are easy and delicious!!
The Big Green Purse - This is by far one of my favorite books and is a wonderful resource for all things "green living." From how to make your own household cleaners to what to buy organic, this book has it covered. It's a sensible way to live green without breaking the bank or falling victim to the ever increasing "green living" scams (in other words...those highly priced products that claim to be so environmentally friendly but really aren't)
$25 Target gift card - Who doesn't love Target?
And now for the rules:
**Please post a comment for each entry and if you don't have your email linked to your profile please leave it in the comment so I can find you if you win!!**
Mandatory Entry - Leave me a comment telling me what you like reading about on my blog! I post about lots of different things around here and was curious to hear what you like...or maybe what you don't like.
For additional entries -
1. Follow my blog or if you already are...just leave a separate comment in addition to the one above!
2. Blog about this giveaway!
3. Tweet about this giveaway!
This giveaway will close Sunday at midnight and the winner will be announced Monday morning!!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I picked a perfect day to visit your blog... a giveaway :) I just browsed through your blog and loved reading about your little girl. My husband and I are starting to try in August, so blogs with little ones always catch my eye.
I of course love reading about little Addie and your family...but also how you use cloth diapers and your gardening! :)
I am already a follower of your blog!
Yay for your 100th post! I don't miss a blog post from you since you are on my reader :)
I still consider myself to be new in the area and I learn about new places from you. I also enjoy reading about little Ms. Addie.
I love reading about Addie and all things mommyhood. :)
Yay for your 100th post! I'm a follower!
I like reading about your monthly goals and of course I like to see what Addie is up to.
I'm a follower!
LOVE your blog. I too will be a workaholic momma come September and look to finding abalance between motherhood and my career. I love your Addie updates and photos. I'm a follower and would be happy to blog about your give-a-way. Happy 100!
i'm already a follower :)
and of course i love reading about Addie but especially love your posts on what baby items you have found most useful and what you don't like. You are ahead of me in the game and it's nice to see what products down the line to buy or stay away from!
I am a follower!
The one thing I like about your blog is the variety. It is nice to have that in a blog (as mine is only for Connor, but oh well!)
I love reading all about little Addie - since she's only a couple months older than Abby it helps me with what to expect!
I'm a follower!
congrats on 100 posts!
I love reading about Miss Addie & your monthly goals, which I might have to do as well
I'm already a follower!
I love reading about the birthday party prep. Plus, your girl is just a few months younger than mine, so we're kind of in the same mom phase.
I like reading your review posts.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'm a gfc follower.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I am a follower! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I love reading about planning for Addie's first birthday. :)
What a great giveaway! Happy 100th post! I'm so glad you started blogging. I love reading about your sweet Addie, but I also love that you write about other things as well. I aspire to do that more! Ha
I love reading about Addie and especially the baby things you find useful or not useful since I am pregnant with my own little girl due in September!
What a nice giveaway!
I am now a follower as well!
I love your honesty, good or bad, you tell the truth. I also love the variety, it's not always just about your day and every move, you put thought into it. It's refreshing! Yours is one of my favorite to read :) Congrats on the 100th post!
I follow you!
I enjoy all things related to motherhood and balancing everything that comes w/ that.
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
I follow you via GFC
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Congrats on 100 posts! (jumped from Jenna's)
Stopping by from Jenna's. I love the design and font you use, it makes your blog look very cute (in a good way!)
I am a follower and regular reader!
I am a follower and regular reader!
I like that you are a working mom, like me! Love to read about that as much as possible!
Yay! For 100 posts! I was so excited when I hit that marker too! I love reading about Addie and can't wait to see what you come up with for her first birthday party!! =)
~Beth (FEAS613@gmail.com - I'm not sure if it's linked to my account)
Such a cute blog! Thanks so much for visiting mine. I am glad I stopped by, you gave me such a great idea for when I hit my milestone. I think you are great to blog, work, and be a momma! I just blog and work for now. ;)
I follow you now!
Just started following your blog! Your daughter is adorable :)
I love the reviews that you post on your blog. You've written about stuff that I was actually thinking about purchasing and it's really helped with my decisions :)
Stopped over from Jenna's. Would love to get in the give away :)
I keep reading about pinterest. I'm going to have to try it!!
looking forward to stopping back by!
I'm a follower!!
I've actually been reading your blog for awhile and LOVE it (so fun to read another working momma's blog!) and then saw you on Jenna's Journey's list...so I'm commenting. :-)
I love your blog, because I think that it's very sweet and very positive :-)
And I love your "simple things" lists!!
I follow you on here!!
Just found your blog through Jenna's. So far I have loved reading your list of simple things and your post about Addie's 1st birthday planning.
I am your newest follower!!
I love your blog! I love reading about Addie, since mine is within a month of the same age.
And I liked your post about buying part of a cow because it's one of those things I've been "meaning" to do and never following through and now I am :)
And obviously I'm a faithful follower. I mean, duh!
Oh, I also love the info you shared about cloth diapering. I don't use cloth, but a big part of me wishes that I did.
I love reading about your sweet Addie and I really love your goal setting and wrap ups!
I blogged about it!
I tweeted about it! @MyLifeAsILiveIt!
I am a NEW follower and reader (Thanks Jenna's Journey) and am super excited about finding your blog!!
I love reading about Addie!! It's so fun b/c our little girls are close in age and seem very similar!! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog!
P.S. I am in love with the 1st B-day post and am going to have to steal...I mean borrow ;-) some of your ideas!!
YAY for new bloggy friends!
Oooopppss...new mommy brain...here is my email!
well you know I'm a pretty new follower, but I love reading everything so far and I'm so glad we got meet a couple months ago! :) Thanks for a fun giveaway and congrats on 100 posts!
I follow! :)
I blogged about it on my sidebar under rockin' giveaways!
Congrats on 100 posts! That's great! I like reading your monthly goals! I am big on making goals for myself, it really works... or if I don't reach them all at least I'm keeping myself accountable. :) Thanks for the giveaway!
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I'm following you!-Elisabeth G
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I tweeted your post: http://twitter.com/#!/egood33/status/89903071345377280
vandango33 at gmail dot com
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