my sweet baby girl |
Ever feel like a hamster in a cage just running on the wheel?? Yea...ok so maybe you've never thought of it that way but you know what I'm talking about...constant motion but never really getting anywhere. That's the way these last few days have felt...like a total whirlwind. And I'm beat...exhausted...washed up...haggard...and desiring nothing more than to console myself with a glass of wine and something mindless on TV. July is by far one of my busiest months at work and combined with all of the wonderful July birthdays in the family that deserve celebrating and the current pantry project that has electricians and plumbers scurrying in and out of my house...momma needs a break! I'm also disappointed that I've gotten behind in my blog reading and commenting...and this post will surely leave more to be desired (as my mom always says about anything not up to her standard - ha! love you, mom:)). So...I'm hoping the next few days will afford me the opportunity to reset...get my life back in order...and catch up on my blogging. Hope ya'll are having a great week...oh Friday, I miss you dearly!
I hope life slows down soon for you! It seems to go in cycles with these things but we get through!
Girl sounds like you've been busy...hope you get a breather soon!
You definitely deserve a break... and I'd say 2 glasses of wine! :) Hope you get some down time soon!
Girl, I feel the same way! This week has been nuts! I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!
awesome pic!
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