Aaahhh yes...its Thursday and it's time for me to put a smile on my face and toss the worries of the world aside to remember all of those simple things in life that deserve some appreciation.
I appreciate fresh sheets on my bed.
I appreciate each and every minute of my day spent with my family
I appreciate "just because" notes in the mail from blog friends
I appreciate a BLT sandwich with garden tomatoes
I appreciate a glass of sparkling white wine on a Friday evening...or well, any evening...
Take some time to think about what you're appreciating...and if you feel so inclined to blog about it...go ahead and link up over with Jesslyn Amber as I'm doing. And if you don't feel like blogging about...just make a list in your head...I promise it will brighten your day!!
very true, love this idea :)
Love this idea. May need to steal it!!
fresh sheets are the best!
blt sandwhich, garden tomatos, perfection.
hmmm my list...
trash reality tv.
yep, feel better already.
I just washed my sheets...nothing better. I HEART mail...I always run and get it right after it is delivered. YUM...wine...actually going to happy hour with a friend tonight YAY!
yes...fresh sheets make my day!
And, even better, if someone else did the washing of them! ;)
I really love reading your blog! mmmmmm blts! I haven't had one in a while... now I am craving it! And I have jumped on the "It's the Simple Thigngs" train! Such a great idea. :)
cool idea! it is so true that no matter how frustrating things may be at times, you can always find a little something to brighten your day and make you appreciate what you have.
You are right...my day is brighter. I appreciate the little things, the simple things.
I always appreciate a glass of wine at the end of the day! And, that BLT sounds so yummy!
Happy Thursday!
Your blog is so cute!! Clean sheets+ white wine = happiness!!
what a great idea! Clean sheets are always the best!
I love clean sheets, too. Nothing better. And wine is the bomb. Having some now, in fact! I also appreciate days during which my son does not change clothes at daycare, like today - small success in the spit up department to see him in the cute clothes he went to school in.
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