Friday, July 29, 2011
PSA - Strap your furniture down

Thursday, July 28, 2011
It's the simple things...

I missed this last Thursday...literally and figuratively. So...I'm back - with some things I'm really appreciating this week. And...if you want to put a smile on your face and cast your troubles aside...join in with Jesslyn Amber and share what you're appreciating this week!!
I appreciate the amazing sausage we picked up from the Farmer's Market last weekend - it was seriously "melt in your mouth" good!!
I appreciate our friendly neighbors who always look out for us and our home.
I appreciate all of the "fall love" some of my favorite bloggers have been sharing this week.
I appreciate that football will not be lost this year.
I appreciate a Saturday morning spent at the beach...we'll be going more often...
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sandy hands and sandy toes |
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Almost Wordless Wednesday
I wish I had gotten a better shot...but as you know - as soon as I grab the camera she stops doing whatever I was finding so adorable. Anyhow...as you can see the dog bowl also doubles as a seat in our house. I died when I looked down and saw that she had flipped the bowl over and was sitting on it and playing!!
Happy Wednesday!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Bye-Bye Baby Weight - Week 4
So...4 weeks in of joining Tami over at "Little Moments Like This" for this wonderful link-up and all I can say is after setting monthly goals, joining the gym, signing up for health incentives at work....none of those - not even all of them put together have helped hold me as accountable as this weekly link-up and weigh in. I suppose public opinion means more to me than I've ever been willing to acknowledge...ha! SO, here's how the week went...
Weight to Go: 24 lbs
Food: This week was good...not stellar but I stayed pretty true to my meal plan. I was unsuccessful at adding in breakfast every morning so I really need to continue to work on that - adding that as a goal. I picked up some more oatmeal and bought some grits in hopes that by stowing it away in my desk drawer and adding a reminder to my calendar I can make sure to incorporate this into my daily routine.
Fitness: Here is the day-by-day breakdown. The running this week seemed MUCH easier...I'm no longer getting that itchy sensation in my legs as I do when I start getting back into running so that makes the work-outs much better. The 30 minutes seems to fly by which always makes things easier too.
Week 3:
Monday - Day 1 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - Day 2 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - Day 3 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k - Week 2 completed + circuit training at the gym
Last Week’s Goals:
-Work out 3 times this week
-Only have dessert twice this week
-Drink more water and no soda
This Week’s Goals-
- Work out three times this week - I was able to complete Week 2 of Couch to 5k this past week so guess what....finishing week 3 would make sense for this week!! I'd also like to incorporate some circuit training type exercises into my regiment this week so that I can start trying to firm up some of those areas that got a little "loose" during my pregnancy. So...I'm starting off small with 25 sit-ups 3 days per week.
This Week’s Loss/Gain: -2.2 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 26 lbsWeight to Go: 24 lbs
Food: This week was good...not stellar but I stayed pretty true to my meal plan. I was unsuccessful at adding in breakfast every morning so I really need to continue to work on that - adding that as a goal. I picked up some more oatmeal and bought some grits in hopes that by stowing it away in my desk drawer and adding a reminder to my calendar I can make sure to incorporate this into my daily routine.
Fitness: Here is the day-by-day breakdown. The running this week seemed MUCH easier...I'm no longer getting that itchy sensation in my legs as I do when I start getting back into running so that makes the work-outs much better. The 30 minutes seems to fly by which always makes things easier too.
Week 3:
Monday - Day 1 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - Day 2 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - Day 3 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k - Week 2 completed + circuit training at the gym
Last Week’s Goals:
This Week’s Goals-
- Work out three times this week - I was able to complete Week 2 of Couch to 5k this past week so guess what....finishing week 3 would make sense for this week!! I'd also like to incorporate some circuit training type exercises into my regiment this week so that I can start trying to firm up some of those areas that got a little "loose" during my pregnancy. So...I'm starting off small with 25 sit-ups 3 days per week.
- Complete 25 sit-ups three days this week - My stomach is certainly one of my areas that needs some work...so I've added this goal and hope to ramp up that number each week!
- Eat breakfast EVERY morning!
- Only have dessert twice this week - This past week this certainly seemed easier than the prior week I'm hoping that after another week I can lessen this number to 1. While taking advantage of some free personal training sessions at the gym I joined the PT encouraged me to not count calories one day a week so I could "shock" my metabolism. This made sense to me so I'm adhering to the advice and hoping to knock it back to 1 day a week to make sure I don't miss out on the "shock" factor;)
- Eat breakfast EVERY morning!
- Only have dessert twice this week - This past week this certainly seemed easier than the prior week I'm hoping that after another week I can lessen this number to 1. While taking advantage of some free personal training sessions at the gym I joined the PT encouraged me to not count calories one day a week so I could "shock" my metabolism. This made sense to me so I'm adhering to the advice and hoping to knock it back to 1 day a week to make sure I don't miss out on the "shock" factor;)
- Drink more water and no soda! - I still crave soda...especially on the weekends but I know that consuming the right amount of water is key to weight loss and a healthier me - side note: I've always been AWFUL about drinking water - I just never get thirsty. At some point I'd like to add a soda or two back to what I enjoy but I know if I do it too soon the soda will replace the water I should be drinking so I'm staying away for now!!
All in all...I'm pleased that I dropped the two pounds last week that I had put on the week before but was really hoping that number would have been a little higher. I seem to really be hovering around the 170 mark and I don't.like.it.one.bit. So, I'm going to try and eat less when eating my meals and avoid snacking on chips and salsa (a favorite of mine when I get home from work!).
All in all...I'm pleased that I dropped the two pounds last week that I had put on the week before but was really hoping that number would have been a little higher. I seem to really be hovering around the 170 mark and I don't.like.it.one.bit. So, I'm going to try and eat less when eating my meals and avoid snacking on chips and salsa (a favorite of mine when I get home from work!).
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Surf, sun, and sand...
Crazy to admit that today marked Addie's first visit to the beach....considering we are only 15 minutes from said beach. We've found with Addie that the pool was more tempting because of the convenience but we decided to join our favorite beach bums this morning for some beach time. I snapped a few pics of Addie at the beach...I'm sure all the while looking like the overzealous momma...but I'm ok with that...10 years from now I'll be glad I have all of the pictures to remember these special days. Overall, Addie enjoyed the beach...she ate some sand, played with some of Trey's beach toys he was kind enough to share (I totally forgot the bucket of beach toys we have...yea, mom fail!), went down to the shoreline with dadda and dipped in the ocean. It's crazy hot here so we got there early and left as the temperature started rising. Here are some of my favorite shots of the morning:
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Taking it all in.... |
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Enjoying the sand for a snack |
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Auntie Lis to the rescue to wipe the evidence away |
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Do you think she's her father's child?? Look at the matching stance! |
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Linking up with Jamie from "This Kind of Love" today to share some love...join in and share what you're loving this week!!!
I'm loving TJ Maxx...I completely have a love/hate relationship with this store - some days I could buy the whole store and other days I can't find anything even worth trying on. Lately, the good days have far outnumbered the bad ones and I have found tons of cute things for myself, the hubs, and the girl...
I'm loving the Couch to 5k app on my phone that has made my whole work out regiment much better. I've always been the type to go out hard and fast on a run and stop short because I am so worn out. This program forces you to take walking breaks in between runs so I am able to stay on my feet much longer!
I'm loving Pinterest and all of the amazing pictures, ideas, crafts, and recipes. I could get lost for hours...and sometimes I do. Seriously, if you have not signed up...you totally should. Let me know if you need an invite...I can send you one...promise, you'll love it.
I'm loving my new "e-nuf is e-nuf" from Essie for my toes. Its pink with a hint of orange...not too bright...but perfectly summer.
I'm loving the new caramel flavored iced vias from Starbucks. Whenever I order my iced coffee I always add caramel syrup...and now that they have the iced vias with caramel I can make my favorite drink at home - I'm in heaven!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
"Back when I was a kid..."

* Social media - if you think back 15 years ago, AOL was just coming to be a part of American households...which of course brought about AIM and chat rooms(with creepy stories of 40 year old men chatting with 13 year old girls..gross)...which in my opinion was the most primative form of social media. Growing up the only person I ever communicated with that I didn't know was my pen pal named Barry (funny, I still remember his name) in England. I once responded to a letter he had written in which he asked what type of home I lived in (apartment, flat, or ranch) with "ranch" as I grew up in a one-level home in the 'burbs." Apparently, he assumed I lived on an actual ranch and had farm animals as he inquired as to weather or not I had pigs, or cows, or chickens...after consulting with my father I realized that "flat" would have been the appropriate answer - ha!) Anyhow, I digress....but you get it...twitter, blogging, facebook, etc. - you are constantly conversing with people you've never met. Which leaves me wondering when it is appropriate to allow Addie to engage in said activities...surely, when she's 9 we won't be allowing her to have a facebook page...I've got some serious stranger danger issues...but will that be...or is it already - the norm?
* 9.11.01 - I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I sometimes get a little leary when boarding a plane or attending large events. 9.11 changed me and my world in ways I probably don't, nor ever will, realize - I, like everyone else, will never forget where I was or what I was doing or even the first 24 hours after the 9.11 tragedy. I am always aware of my surroundings and on the look out for anything suspicious...not to the point of paranoia but probably enough to annoy my friends and family. Addie will never know what its like to meet someone at the gate when they de-board a plane or to not share the contents of her bag with the guard at the gate and I hope that because she doesn't know any different it's also not something that concerns her. Sure, I want her to be cautious and careful and all those things that overprotective mommas worry about...but I also want her to love the world and embrace it with an open mind and treasure it for the opportunities it holds and not obsess over the threats that hide within it.
* Diversity in the office of the presidency - Barack Obama...need I say more. And so I'm clear - I'm not talking politics here (my parents always told me politics and religion should never be discussed)...I think its wonderful...I've long said there is simply nothing more beautiful than watching children play together who could care less what their friend looks like or believes in. We shouldn't be judged on our physical characteristics but rather our character...
* Reality TV - Game shows and the dating show were the closest I ever got to reality TV growing up but now I dare say reality TV occupies at least 50% of what's on TV. Nothing seems to be personal or private anymore...
* Cellular devices - Aaahh...remember when pagers first came out?? You were so cool to rock one on your hip and you loved getting pages so you could run to the nearest phone and call that friend back if you were out and about. Now...people just call you on your cell phone and you're pretty much expected to be reachable at all times...which sometimes I really dislike.
Thanks to my wonderful parents, I turned out great (or at the very least I've stayed out of jail, contributed to my community, and provide for my family) but I know that given this changing world there will be challenges I face while raising Addie that my parents did not face. Do these types of things keep any other mommas awake at night...or maybe even just cross your mind during the day?
As for the deep post...from time to time I sit down and put together a post about something deep and thought provoking...or maybe more like "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy" ish...but generally never hit publish. I'm not sure what got into me but I hit publish this time...so here it is. Hope everyone is having a great week!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Bye - Bye Baby Weight - Week 3
Linking up with Tami over at "Little Moments Like This" for my third week of "Bye Bye Baby Weight." If you're working towards the same goal you should definitely join in the fun - I really feel like this is doing a much better job of holding me accountable for my fitness goals than doing fitness as a monthly goal!!
This Week’s Loss/Gain: +2 lbs. - tears
Total Weight Lost: 24 lbs
Weight to Go: 26 lbs
Food: Other than a Saturday dinner out and some cheese and cracker munchies on Sunday, I felt food-wise I had a good week. I ate mostly salads for lunch and the hubs and I did ok with our dinner selections. My hubs has class two nights a week so those nights are always a struggle when it comes to meal selections! I really need to incorporate breakfast into my daily routine. I never have anything but coffee for breakfast and I know it is important to get your metabolism going in the morning to keep your body from going into "starvation mode" and hoarding calories.
Fitness: Here is the day-by-day breakdown. As you'll see below, I played my FIRST round of golf (or rather 1/2 round - we only played 9 holes) on Sunday. We walked the entire 9 holes (partly because I'm too cheap to pay for a cart) and it was wonderful exercise...it equates to about 2 1/2 miles of walking with clubs on your back for the course we play.
Week 2:
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - Day 2 of Week 1 of Couch to 5k
Friday - nothing
Saturday - Day 3 of Week 1 of Couch to 5k - Week 1 completed
Sunday - walked and played 9 holes of golf
Last Week’s Goals:
This Week’s Goals-
- Work out three times this week - It is supposed to get blazing hot at the end of this week so looks like I'll be dragging my tail to the gym later in the week! I'd really like to get Week 2 of Couch to 5k finished this week!
- Only have dessert twice this week - This was so tough for me last week but I did it. I even denied myself one the lovely cupcakes pictured here for this chica's 30th birthday celebration
- Drink more water and no soda! - This is still hard for me so I'm going to continue to make this a weekly goal until it becomes habit. I've never been a big water drinker so I have to keep reminding myself to drink water!!!
I have to admit...after meeting all of my weekly goals and really feeling like I had a wonderful week and should have shed some pounds...I was completely disheartned at what the scale told me last night. How do you gain weight when you've done everything you've set out to do to lose it? Fortunately, this isn't my first rodeo...I know this all takes time and by looking at last week...when I lost weight...I probably should have gained so I guess it all comes full circle. That being said, I'm really going to push myself to continue to choose healthier options and work-out regularly. Perhaps loading all of work-outs on the back end of the week didn't help at my weekly weigh in either!! Thanks so much for all of your words of encouragement and support. It's funny how posting about this really can be the motivation some nights to get off my duff and get a work-out in or refuse that delicious cupcake that's calling my name!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
It's the simple things...

Aaahhh yes...its Thursday and it's time for me to put a smile on my face and toss the worries of the world aside to remember all of those simple things in life that deserve some appreciation.
I appreciate fresh sheets on my bed.
I appreciate each and every minute of my day spent with my family
I appreciate "just because" notes in the mail from blog friends
I appreciate a BLT sandwich with garden tomatoes
I appreciate a glass of sparkling white wine on a Friday evening...or well, any evening...
Take some time to think about what you're appreciating...and if you feel so inclined to blog about it...go ahead and link up over with Jesslyn Amber as I'm doing. And if you don't feel like blogging about...just make a list in your head...I promise it will brighten your day!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I'd settle for a slow down...
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my sweet baby girl |
Monday, July 11, 2011
Giveaway Winners
Just a quick post to announce the giveaway winners from my 1st giveaway!! Thanks so much to everyone that commented as well as everyone that reads my ramblings...still can't believe I've posted more than 100 times!! I used the random number generator to select the winners and here are they are:
$10 Starbucks Gift Card: #2 - Natalie from over at "From Corporate to Domestic"
Free copy of the "Big Green Purse" - #57 - Naturally Caffeinated Family
$25 Target Gift Card - #14 - Amber from "The Daily Dose"
If ya'll don't mind sending me your mailing address so I can get these things in the mail to you that would be awesome. You can send it to : theworkaholicmomma@gmail.com
Happy Monday!
Bye bye baby weight - week 2

Linking up with Tami over at "Little Moments Like This" for my second week of "Bye Bye Baby Weight." If you're working towards the same goal you should definitely join in the fun!!
Week 1:
This Week’s Loss/Gain: –1 lb
Total Weight Lost: 36 lbs
Weight to Go- 24 lbs
Food: I did pretty well this week choosing healthier options and not falling victim to my co-worker's candy bowl that always seems to call my name!! I did slip up a few times but I really tried to cut back my soda consumption (only had 1 all week) and drink more water.
Fitness: I started the week off with a brisk 20 minute walk on Tuesday and took the plunge on Thursday and started week one of couch to 5k. I had planned to get in Day 2 on either Saturday or Sunday but with house projects and birthday parties I didn't get it in which means I have 2 days to complete before Thursday. But whoa...I SO need this!
Last Week’s Goals:
- Eat dessert no more than 2 times this week- I only had dessert 3 times so while I didn't make it I got close and certainly reduced the number of times I usually have dessert in a week...progress made but mission not accomplished.
- Eat at least 2 servings of fruit everyday- I didn't make this but did eat more fruit than normal.
- Work out three times this week - I made it twice...shame on me for thinking I would have more time this weekend but I won't plan for that next week:)
This Week’s Goals-
- Work out three times this week
- Only have dessert twice this week
- Drink more water and no soda!
Overall I would have loved to have been able to check off every goal above as accomplished but I know this is a work in progress for me so I'm not letting it get me discouraged. I made progress for sure and I know if I stick to working at those goals they will become part of my routine!
I'll be back this evening with the winners of my first giveaway!!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Who knew toilet paper could be so fun?!
I made the ultimate mistake the other day while the hubs was golfing....you see, I really needed to take a shower and figured if I kept the girl in the bathroom with me and made sure the toilet seat was down..she had a few toys to play with...and I kept the curtain cracked so I could get to her fast everything would be fine. And everyone did great...except for my brand new roll of toilet paper...yea, that did not fare so well...but at least Addie had some fun. So on this lovely Friday I'll leave wishes for a wonderful weekend and some pictures of the crime scene...
Happy Friday!!!
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Yeah mom, I don't know how that happened... |
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You really think I did that...mom, I would never... |
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Ok...it was me, I won't do it again... |
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I'll even leave the prize behind! |
Thursday, July 7, 2011
It's the Simple Things
Joining Jesslyn Amber again this week to share some of the simple pleasures in life that I really appreciate. As I've said the last two weeks - this link-up is such a wonderful idea and really helps lift my mood to take just a few minutes and think about all of the simple things in life that bring me such joy. Hop over to Jesslyn Amber's blog to see what everyone else is appreciating and share yours as well!!
I appreciate a fresh glass of iced tea...hold the lemon
I appreciate the unconditional love from my furbabies on a daily basis
I appreciate the simple joy I get from digging potatoes out of the garden
I appreciate my husband's dedication to teaching me the game of golf
I appreciate a cool breeze on a hot summer day
I appreciate the much needed rain we've been getting this week
I appreciate watching the steam rise off the pavement after an afternoon thunderstorm
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
100th blog post and a giveaway!!!

Meet the prizes:
$10 Starbucks gift card - For anyone that reads regularly...you know this is one of my favorite things. And if you're an iced coffee addict like myself, I highly recommend the Iced Coffee Vias that Starbucks now has. They are easy and delicious!!
The Big Green Purse - This is by far one of my favorite books and is a wonderful resource for all things "green living." From how to make your own household cleaners to what to buy organic, this book has it covered. It's a sensible way to live green without breaking the bank or falling victim to the ever increasing "green living" scams (in other words...those highly priced products that claim to be so environmentally friendly but really aren't)
$25 Target gift card - Who doesn't love Target?
And now for the rules:
**Please post a comment for each entry and if you don't have your email linked to your profile please leave it in the comment so I can find you if you win!!**
Mandatory Entry - Leave me a comment telling me what you like reading about on my blog! I post about lots of different things around here and was curious to hear what you like...or maybe what you don't like.
For additional entries -
1. Follow my blog or if you already are...just leave a separate comment in addition to the one above!
2. Blog about this giveaway!
3. Tweet about this giveaway!
This giveaway will close Sunday at midnight and the winner will be announced Monday morning!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Addie's 1st birthday planning
If anyone follows me on pinterest...you've probably already seen my growing "Addie's 1st birthday" board!! And for those of you that don't pinterest...you totally should - but...in all seriousness, the planning is well under way in our house. Here are the main points:
Theme - Ducks and bubbles - the cute little yellow kind!
Colors - Bright pink, tiffany blue, and bright yellow
Food - still planning this part but I'm thinking BBQ with some other good southern comfort foods
Desserts - sugar cookies and cupcakes...i think
Decorations - I had some beautiful banners made by Kelli and am planning to use lots of balloons, lots of candy, and brightly colored tablecloths....and not to mention...lots of pictures of Addie's first year. I want it to be classy and simple and have seen a ton of inspiration via some of my favorite blogs and of course, pinterest.
Invitations - I'm back and forth on this one as well - I'd love to do something with the theme for the invite but unfortunately everything I've seen with ducks didn't fit what I had in mind. I also love the invites that have between 4 and 6 pics from different points during the year so we'll see where I end up!
My hope is to put together a to-do list of everything I need to complete VERY soon - I feel like I have 8 million ideas floating around in my head and I really just need to pull it all together.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Bye-Bye Baby Weight - Week 1

This weeks goals:
1. Eat dessert no more than 2 times this week (sweets are my weakness)
2. Eat at least 2 servings of fruit a day
3. Work out 3 times this week
Long-range goals:
1. Lose 25 pounds
2. Consume more fruit and water
3. Workout 3 times per week
Happy 4th of July
From our home to yours...wishing you a very happy 4th!!! And sending all of my thanks to the thousands of brave men and women who risk their lives so that we can celebrate this holiday and celebrate our freedom...and praying for your safe return!
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Addie thanks you too!! |
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look at these kids - getting SO big!! |
And my best attempt at capturing some fireworks from last night...
If you are new to my blog via the comment challenge from Jenna's Journey...welcome!!! For all my friends that have visited before...if you blog you should head over to Jenna's Journey and link your blog to her comment challenge to meet some new bloggers!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy 9 month Birthday, Addie!!!

I say it every month and I mean it every month...time is simply flying by and my baby girl is growing before my eyes. She has a playful soul and is such a determined little girl...looks like she may have gotten the best of S's and I's personalities. I absolutely love the stage we are at right now...she doesn't require around the clock entertainment but it so happy to be around us!!
What she's wearing - Addie is wearing pretty much all 6-12 or 9 month outfits but some of the 9 month sleepers seem like they may be getting tight on length...bummer. Once you hit 12 months on the Carters stuff alot of the PJs go to either 2 piece PJs or the footies have grippers...for, well...you know, the walking. I guess it just means we are almost there...my baby is well on her way to being a toddler. Her cloth diapers are still on the second set of snaps and she is still doing well without extra liners at night. At her well baby checkup this past Friday she tipped the scales at 17.7 pounds and measured in at 29 inches.
Eats - Addie is eating about three or four 5oz bottles a day and still nursing for her first feed in the morning. I pump during the day but am finding that my supply is not completely keeping up with her demand so we are supplementing with a bottle of formula. She eats three meals of solids a day (stage 2) and generally gets some puffs in the morning but at our drs appt this past Friday he suggested that we start giving her a little of what's on our plates...just another sign of how big my girl is getting..sigh. Her food list currently includes the following items: cherries, cantaloupe, bread, spinach, green beans, apricots, broccoli, collards, oatmeal, plums, raspberries, yogurt, blueberries, prunes, peaches, zucchini, peas, apples, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, carrots, and rice cereal. We are planning to start giving her some meats this month which I'm very excited about!
Moves - This has been a HUGE month for movement...Addie is full on crawling e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e...and does not want to be stopped. She pulls up on everything...stands against the door and will even test the waters by only holding onto her support with only one hand. Babyproofing is in full force in my household...because she is a magnet to anything that could potentially hurt her. I really hate that I am using the word "no" so much these days with her but she is determined to get where she doesn't belong (she's also a huge fan of the liquor bottles in the bar...yikes)!
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if you look closely you can see her new chompers |
Out and about - We've stayed pretty close to home this month...its been ridiculously hot so we have not ventured to the ocean but have really enjoyed our time at the pool. We did entrust Addie to a babysitter for the first time this month and the hubs and I did very well...surprisingly. We went to dinner with friends and had Addie stay at the babysitter's. She did well until the end but it was past her bedtime so I figured she was tired. The next time we tried it...the results weren't so good. Apparently she was pretty upset from the time we left until we came back...stranger danger and separation anxiety seem to be creeping in on us. We have also noticed that she doesn't want to be held by anyone that she doesn't see on an almost daily basis...I know this is a stage!
Counting sheep - Addie sleeps great at night - unless her teeth are bothering her - poor baby! We usually put her down around 8pm and she usually gets up around 6:30ish. We are so incredibly thankful for her sleeping through the night - it certainly makes everyone alot happier!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Saturday Morning Scene

Also...since I mentioned home improvements above...I should also mention that we just had our windows replaced so our view is a bit clearer this Saturday morning (because who cleans windows that are about to be replaced?? I've been saying that for 4 years...and the new ones are finally in:)). I love natural light...and the big window below is my favorite in the house...I can be a nosy neighbor from the comfort of my couch...kidding!!
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the pics aren't that impressive but it looks 100% better in real life |
Friday, July 1, 2011
July goals
Time for me to establish my July goals...you may notice some familiar goals in here as some of my June goals that were not successfully completed are carrying over into July. Feel free to skip these "goals" posts. It really helps keep me accountable to myself which is why I'm putting them out there...
1. Develop a timeline for Addie's first birthday party planning AND a budget! I've already started picking some things up and thanks to this great momma, I already have the banner for Addie's party and the color scheme set. I just really need to organize and put it all together...oh, and I need to set a budget!!
2. Work-out at least 3 times a week Ok..so if you read my last post here - you know where I have stood on this one for the past 2 months. This is one of my busiest months at work so I know I'll be working late some nights so I hope this doesn't sabotage my goal here (see...see...look at me - already lining up my excuses for why I won't get it done - thats my problem!).
3. Complete our pantry/mud room/laundry room - As long as our contractors cooperate, I feel certain we will make some great progress here and have an awesome shot at accomplishing this goal which would seriously make me SO happy. I have NO storage room in my house and I'm hoping this will give me a chance to getbetter organized!
4. Re-configure our side flower bed - I feel so bad for our neighbors. We "put in" a lovely side flower bed complete with rose bushes, shrubs, and my favorite weeping cherry tree - as well as a rock walkway to the gate on the fence and because its out of sight and we have a little something that takes up a bit more of our time these days (love my girl:)) its been severely neglected. And I don't have the time for all of the weed pulling it requires...so we need to do something similiar to what we did here and turn some of it back into "lawn" and leave a small portion as the actual flower bed!
5. Clean out our drawers and closets - I didn't quite get around to sping cleaning this year but "better late then never," right?! The hubs and I both have tons of clothes that never get worn not to mention all of my handbags that won't be necessary thanks to a diaper bag so I need to clean this stuff out and donate it to charity (and maybe for those nicer things...a blog sale?) and free up some drawer and closet space.
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katiemiller.bigfolioblog.com |
2. Work-out at least 3 times a week Ok..so if you read my last post here - you know where I have stood on this one for the past 2 months. This is one of my busiest months at work so I know I'll be working late some nights so I hope this doesn't sabotage my goal here (see...see...look at me - already lining up my excuses for why I won't get it done - thats my problem!).
3. Complete our pantry/mud room/laundry room - As long as our contractors cooperate, I feel certain we will make some great progress here and have an awesome shot at accomplishing this goal which would seriously make me SO happy. I have NO storage room in my house and I'm hoping this will give me a chance to get
4. Re-configure our side flower bed - I feel so bad for our neighbors. We "put in" a lovely side flower bed complete with rose bushes, shrubs, and my favorite weeping cherry tree - as well as a rock walkway to the gate on the fence and because its out of sight and we have a little something that takes up a bit more of our time these days (love my girl:)) its been severely neglected. And I don't have the time for all of the weed pulling it requires...so we need to do something similiar to what we did here and turn some of it back into "lawn" and leave a small portion as the actual flower bed!
5. Clean out our drawers and closets - I didn't quite get around to sping cleaning this year but "better late then never," right?! The hubs and I both have tons of clothes that never get worn not to mention all of my handbags that won't be necessary thanks to a diaper bag so I need to clean this stuff out and donate it to charity (and maybe for those nicer things...a blog sale?) and free up some drawer and closet space.
June goals - PASS or FAIL?!
Time for me to fess up on how well I did or didn't on my June goals...I'll be back this afternoon with my July goals!
1. Re-organize Addie's room - As Addie is growing up, I am quickly realizing that things that worked well before need to be re-organized because I either no longer need them or am using them in different places. I'd like to get her room re-orged to better fit our needs right now. PASS - I've definitely made some progress in this area. I've pulled out all of those things we loved and needed during those infant stages that no longer manage to keep her interest. I still can't get over how quickly she has outgrown things but it is exciting to see new stuff enter her room!
2. Work-out 3 times a week - I'm changing this up slightly because I'm finding that with Addie its sometimes much easier to get a work out in without going to the gym. FAIL - This has been touch and go as as many of ya'll know - trying to establish a work-out routine while working full-time and being a new momma can be tough. I really value every second that I get to spend with Addie outside of work and I hate to miss a minute of that to go work-out. Addie usually doesn't go down until 8 or 8:30pm so it makes it tough to work out that late and still get to bed at a reasonable hour and going early in the morning isn't really an option either because my hubs leaves for work very early. I have a jogging stroller and I really think that I need to utilize this to get out with Addie in it and get some running done - it's just been SO hot around here...I know - excuses, excuses, excuses. This will definitely be re-appearing in my July goals...I've got to do this!
3. Organize the paperwork in my home - Holy paper - my house has WAY too much of it. I have about 10 gazillion credit card offers that need to be shred/burned and bill stubs and other personal info that needs to be filed away. Without my budget Excel spreadsheet, I'm pretty sure nothing would ever get paid on time. I really need to get better organized in this department. PASS - I did this!! I was able to get everything filed away and put a bunch of paper in the recycle bin. I feel so much better now but I have to make sure I stay on top of this!!
4. Complete our pantry/mudroom/laundry room - This may be a bit of a "stretch goal" because our home projects NEVER get completed as quickly as planned - usually due to our reliance on contractors. However, we are converting the extra space in our garage into a pantry/mudroom/laundry room and I REALLY would like to be able to get it all done this month. My fingers are crossed we have reliable contractors that can get the work done quickly and we don't run into any major obstacles. FAIL - This was definitely a stretch goal and while we have made progress that I'm happy about we are nowhere near the end. We have successfully hired contractors to take care of the plumbing and electrical work - I couldn't believe how tough this was - we called 8 electrical contractors and only had 2 show up for their scheduled appointments - both had drastically different opinions and estimates! My hubs is planning to frame up the new wall this weekend and we've purchased the cabinets. I have a floor plan drawn out and after my husband is able to get the wall framed up and the electrician comes mid-July things should move along very quickly (my fingers are crossed we don't run into any un-anticpated hurdles).
5. Treat myself to a manicure/pedicure - This is my fun goal for the month - suffice it to say - its been WAY too long since I've been to get this done and my hands and feet show it. I need some help...seriously, its embarrassing. FAIL - Can you believe it?!?! Maybe this gives a little more credence to my reasons above about not working out. The hubs not only works but also goes to school and is taking some summer classes so I don't have much time to myself trying to accomodate his study schedule. And I simply cannot bring myself to take Addie into one of those salons because the fumes in those places are SO strong. So..this still desparately needs to be done and I'm hoping to do this this weekend while my hubs is in between classes!
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I can't believe she's getting SO big |
2. Work-out 3 times a week - I'm changing this up slightly because I'm finding that with Addie its sometimes much easier to get a work out in without going to the gym. FAIL - This has been touch and go as as many of ya'll know - trying to establish a work-out routine while working full-time and being a new momma can be tough. I really value every second that I get to spend with Addie outside of work and I hate to miss a minute of that to go work-out. Addie usually doesn't go down until 8 or 8:30pm so it makes it tough to work out that late and still get to bed at a reasonable hour and going early in the morning isn't really an option either because my hubs leaves for work very early. I have a jogging stroller and I really think that I need to utilize this to get out with Addie in it and get some running done - it's just been SO hot around here...I know - excuses, excuses, excuses. This will definitely be re-appearing in my July goals...I've got to do this!
3. Organize the paperwork in my home - Holy paper - my house has WAY too much of it. I have about 10 gazillion credit card offers that need to be shred/burned and bill stubs and other personal info that needs to be filed away. Without my budget Excel spreadsheet, I'm pretty sure nothing would ever get paid on time. I really need to get better organized in this department. PASS - I did this!! I was able to get everything filed away and put a bunch of paper in the recycle bin. I feel so much better now but I have to make sure I stay on top of this!!
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love this - via pinterest |
5. Treat myself to a manicure/pedicure - This is my fun goal for the month - suffice it to say - its been WAY too long since I've been to get this done and my hands and feet show it. I need some help...seriously, its embarrassing. FAIL - Can you believe it?!?! Maybe this gives a little more credence to my reasons above about not working out. The hubs not only works but also goes to school and is taking some summer classes so I don't have much time to myself trying to accomodate his study schedule. And I simply cannot bring myself to take Addie into one of those salons because the fumes in those places are SO strong. So..this still desparately needs to be done and I'm hoping to do this this weekend while my hubs is in between classes!
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