Ok...so I totally got like giddy excited when I saw that one of the blogs I first started reading, "From Mrs to Mama" (not to mention one of my favorite mommy-friend blogs to read) when I joined the blog world was hosting a little link-up so that everyone could spill the beans on who they are. I remember being totally confused at how to even write my first post so I did a little about me and you can read that here...but here's some more as I try to answer Becky's "get-to-know-you" questions below..
1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? I've been blogging since March of 2011...shortly after the birth of my precious baby girl...who I write alot about! I first discovered blogging when my bestie shared her blog with me...that got the wheels turning and then after Addie's birth I decided we needed something better than just my brain to remember all of the important moments in our family...and this blog was born.
2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study? I did...I attend James Madison University (go Dukes!!) and was an accounting major...super exciting, right?!
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy? Eeeppp...I suppose I probably should start playing first;) If I played and if I won...hhmm...a new home would probably be my first purchase...something with a lot of land and a farm house!
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves? 1) People that don't hold the door for strollers...seriously annoying!! 2) Arrogance...uugghhh, I despise this personality trait. 3) People that wait until the lane ends to get over - so, I totally know that happens unexpectedly from time to time but y'all...I'm not letting you over if you wait until the last minute.
6. What is your favorite movie? Hands down...TOP GUN...I don't care what Tom Cruise is doing with his life now...that movie is still my favorite...oh, and Forrest Gump runs a close second.
7. What is your drink of choice? Sara Bee wine from Trader Joes...its a light wine that tastes amazing. It's perfect for summer!
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time? Lay on the beach....like uninterrupted..just me, the sounds of the waves and the hot sun!!
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be? Yikes...this is a hard one...I think it would totally have to be either Home Depot or Lowes...we have SO much we still need to do to our house and so many projects I want to finish!!
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? geez...where do I start? How about the most recent...true story and I'll spare you all of the details...my boss walked in on me mid-pumping session at work. Yep, my door was closed..and thank god for my hooter hider but the pump just isn't a sound you can ignore... awk-ward.
11. What day would you want to relive again? I dont know that I have just one...my wedding day, Addie's birth day, the last Christmas with my grandfather, my graduation from college...
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years? I was your typical pool rat...I spent my summers life guarding and teaching swim lessons. During the school year in high school I worked at a local "formal attire" shop selling wedding gowns and fitting guys for tuxedos...girlfriends and over-bearing moms might have been the end of me during prom season;) I switched things up a bit in college and worked at the sub shop on campus as well chick-fil-a (on campus of course...but seriously - one of the cleanest places I have ever worked)
14. Show us a picture from high school or college. Ok...so I totally had to dig this one out of the bottom of a drawer...I actually disposed of alot of my high school and college pictures (especially those that I never wanted Addie to know existed) during one of my nesting clean-out sessions...so please excuse the quality - its a picture of a picture (we didn't have digital then...which I actually think was probably a good thing;))
16. Show us the most current picture of you or you and your family. Ok...just doing this post totally made me realize how bad we need to have a new family picture done....the latest I have is from just before Christmas...
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now? Its so strange to finally be at a point in my life where I don't think things will look so drastically different 5 years from now. We'd love to add to our family and of course we will likely need to move to a larger home...but, everything else should pretty much be the same.
PS If you're reading this and have a blog...head over to From Mrs. to Mama and join in on the fun!!
How fun! I love reading this type of post! :) Love the fam photo, too!
I love seeing your HS photo! Girl don't throw those out :) I am with you I would spend the money on the house too...I spend way too much money at those places! We are getting a Trader Joe's...they will be finishing it later this month I think.
Ok so your embarrassing story is horrible...yes thank goodness for the Hooter Hider. Wow. And I am so jealous of all you Trader Joes lovers. I want one!!!
I hate ppl who don't hold the door for strollers either, so irritating. It's always fun to do these and learn a little more about ppl
OMG, talk about embarrassing. At least this is one of those moments where they were probably more embarrassed than you :) also, that beer sounds delicious!
I loved reading so much about you! And you are gorgeous! I have never "met" such an attractive accountant. :)
I linked up today too. What a fun post! The last real picture of our family was from October so I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't have a current one. We need to get on that!
I totally agree about people waiting to get over until the last second. I speed up and don't let them in :)
Love the college picture. I am also glad we didn't have digital :)
Oh girl! I cannot stand when people don't hold the door for strollers! Don't' people have manners anymore? I love your old picture! Unlike my old picture, you look gorgeous!
You have a beautiful family. I wish we had trader joes!! :)
Great answers! And you and your lil family are adorable..
New follower thanks to the 411 link!lol
Going to try to catch on your blog!
So fun! I'll try to hope of the fun train with this link-up :)
You guys are so cute!
Loving this post! I am with you about people who don't hold the door for strollers... jerks! And I think your HS pic is awesome!! We also need to take a more current family photo, like ASAP. :)
I feel like I have a picture almost exactly like your old school one, we had very similar style :) Isn't it funny how you look back on those and cringe? I LOVE your family picture though, Addie is adorable.
So fun to learn all of this new stuff about you. I hear ya on the waiting for the lane to end before getting over and have special words in my head for those drivers!
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