Firsts of the week:

from left to right and top to bottom:
1. I hosted Bunco!! I've been playing for the past year with a group of girls that meets once a month at one of our homes for food, drinks, a little bunco, and most importantly girl talk. I know...seems like an old lady game...but it's fun and mindless and I enjoy the company. I had hoped to take pictures of the food and drinks but only managed to get one of the tray of chips #hostfail
2. My wedding rings fit again! I took them off at around 32 weeks with Kate and just finally managed to get them back on. Yippee...happy day.
3. First glass of wine in a year. It was amazing...delicious....better than I remembered.
4. Addie's first manicure...or rather, just nail painting!!! No worries...we used Piggy Paint, which is nontoxic...she loved it. I did her toes a fun green color and she was so excited.
Addie's week:

1. "I got my own golf cubs, daddy." Pretty sure those words just sealed her fate as a golfer..all S can talk about is taking her out on the course with him so she can hit a few around.
2. That's Mumble...getting a first row seat to his own movie "Happy Feet." Addie insisted on putting him was certainly good for a laugh.
3. Someone found grandma's least she applied it to the appropriate area of her face and managed to not get it all over the walls or anyone else.
4. On Sunday morning I asked Addie to help me by getting a new bib for Kate. Out of the gazillion bibs we have (reflux is no joke) this is the one Addie picked. Clearly she can't read and didn't know what she was picking but it made my momma heart smile.
Kate's week:

1. Big smiles on "meet and greet" day at Kate's school for the newborn room. I took Kate in and she slept the entire time but I at least got to meet her teachers and get all sorts of information on how her day will go and what she will need....phew, it's alot to remember!
2. Cheers to this girl for finally warming up to her bumbo much so, she fell asleep in it..ha!
3. My sweet girl snuggled in my arms napping. I'm trying to soak up as much of this as this sweet girl.
4. Her feet are at the end of her 0-3 month is that possible?!
Highlights of the week:

1. Maybe not a "highlight" but definitely a high....holy, weather. It was insanely hot last week...I felt zapped as soon as I stepped outside.
2. A very special girl celebrated her birthday!!!
3. Yum...we found an awesome new recipe from the chew thanks to my daytime TV watching. They were amazing and I plan to share the recipe soon...but if you can't wait and want to try these out the recipe is on the chew's website (hawaiian pork tenderloin sliders).
4. This picture may seem pretty simple...but that little doll in Kate's hand just so happens to be Addie's world. That's Prudence and Addie has to know where she is at all times. She LOVES that fact that she gave her to Kate to hold...was monumental. Watching Addie's love for Kate grow is one of the best gifts motherhood has given me.
So...if you made it all the way to the end...thanks for reading...phew, that was alot!!!
I'm already dreading having to take my rings off. I bought a fake ring last time just so I would have something to wear! That is TOO sweet that Addie shared Prudence. Such an adorable big sister!
Just stopping in from Jenna's!
Your girls are beautiful, congratulations on the newest. :-) I think she might be about the same age as my youngest! My littlest was born on March 24 of this year.
I love your week in review, and how you focus on four pictures for each 'subject'. What a great way to remember things!
I'll stop by again soon. :-)
So glad your rings fit! I remember with Nolan not being able to wear them for awhile and with C I could wear my wedding ring but not my engagement ring. And look at those girls! They are so cute!
When Cade and Connor have sweet moments, they are seriously some of the best moments ever for me!
I went out to buy some Moscato last night and didn't realize I was buying a Wine Specialty drink.. oops! It is still good (I can't stand too sweet) so I will definitely be trying it again!
I took my ring in just today to have it sized down... I am terrified that I'm going to gain weight in the next two weeks and then it won't fit!
(Stopping by from Jenna's comment challenge!)
Those sliders looks so yummy! I love this week in review idea! It's a nice way to capture each person and event or moment without time flying by and forgetting!
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