My my my....time has literally escaped me and I can't believe another month has already gone by. I know I say it alot but you truly are the sweetest girl and I am so thankful that you have joined our little family. You still love nothing more than to be held and talked to. Your precious little face just lights up and you give us the biggest smiles when we talk to you. You are still an awesome sleeper and have even give us 10+ hours some nights but you aren't much of a napper during the day. You've finally started to like your bumbo...even falling asleep in it one morning!! I'm also so sad to report that you got your first cold this month (we are actually still dealing with it) and it makes me so sad to see your puffy and watery eyes and nose. I'm hoping we'll breeze by this quickly and you'll be feeling 100% in no time. You've also become quite attached to your wubbanub paci (the duck). We had tried several different brands and you just didn't really like any of those so when we tried the wubbanub out with you and you loved it from the start we knew we were in luck!! You start school August 1st and I have such mixed feelings about it all. It makes me sad to know that someone else will be cuddling you and soothing you while I'm at work but I know that it's best for you and I know you will learn SO SO much...plus, your sissy is thrilled that you will be at school with her!
Not much has changed from your first month. You eat about 4 ounces at each feeding and have no problem switching back and forth between nursing and bottle-feeding. You aren't napping nearly as much as you did last month but you are so content and loving sitting in your rock n' play and watching the fan or looking for your momma, daddy, or big sissy.
I think we are on our last leg with the 0-3 month clothing and I've already started pulling out some of your 3-6 month clothing. You are wearing a size 2 in disposables but still snapped up in your cloth diapers. Your trumpette socks are finally starting to fit on your feet and not looking silly!!! We go for your 2 month check-up tomorrow and I can't wait to see how much you've grown from your last appointment.
Kate, we are SO SO SO in love with you. Now that I've gone back to work I count the minutes until I get to see you and cuddle you again. You just have this way about you that is so sweet and calming and I feel so lucky to be your momma. Everyone that meets you always comments on your calm and sweet demeanor. You are so tolerant...and almost seem amused by the chaos that is constantly going on around you...we love you sweet girl!!
what a beautiful little girl! She sounds just like our Adeline, she LOVES to be held and talked to also! Good luck going back to work, I found that for me it was a little easier the second time!
Happy happy two months...she is just the cutest!!! I think her and Conley should have an arrange marriage :)we would have cute grandkids!
Happy 2 months! Yay for the wubbanub! I can't get J to take a paci to save my life (or my sleep!)
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