what we did:

from left to right and top to bottom:
1. i made it through another "couch to 5K" workout and broke the 2 mile mark...with the help of a new pair of running shoes. I bought my last pair before Steve and I started dating which makes them at least 7 years old...eeekk! Kate spent lots of time on her tummy....well, kind of. The little girl rolls from her tummy to her back these days...so tummy time is kind of a joke in our house.
2. we took a family tour of the neighborhood...always fun to see what the neighbors are up to.
3. i did some crafting...made my first bunting banner...thanks to a tutorial from my dear friend Lis. I must admit though..she glued it all together for me last time and this time I was alone and definitely glued it all together backwards and didn't realize until I went to hang it...cue the panic. Luckily, I was able to reassemble very quickly and all was not lost. All in honor of celebrating my mom's sixtieth...we had a surprise party at my house (i got no pictures because I was running around like a mad woman trying to do last minute things...like reassemble this banner..haha)
4. we had the pleasure of cleaning "Lake Dunkin" out of our coffee cup holder in our truck thanks to a hole in the bottom of the hubs iced coffee. fun times.
what we ate:

1. chocolate chip pancakes - I'm such a fan - it totally makes me feel like a kid again.
2. steak fajitas - we used some delicious flat iron steak...marinated with lime, cilantro, salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil...and then added all of our favorite toppings
3. strawberry champagne jam toast - My favorite jam that we pick up at our local farmers market...it's amazing.
4. grilled caprese - I've got fresh tomatoes from my mom's garden but totally didn't feel like cooking bacon to make a BLT (my favorite summer lunch)...so I grabbed some of the basil I had in my window box...some mozarella and havarti cheese we had in the fridge and through it together for a fun twist on a grilled cheese...i highly recommend it!
my girls:

1. addie LOVE LOVE LOVES her baby sister...she is always asking about her and talking to her....I got lucky and was able to capture this picture of the girls this weekend from my parent's house...Addie was so sweet trying to entertain Kate while she got her diap changed.
2. a rare moment in our house...both girls napping at the same time.
3. we went out on a family fro-yo date...Addie and Barbie decided to dine together at the "Little Dippers" table.
4. another rare moment of Kate actually taking her paci...I've been on the verge of picking up another brand to see if she just doesn't like the type I've got for her but she really does just fine without it most of the time...so maybe not.
kate's week:

1. SMILES...we got smiles this week!!!! Something that just never gets old.
2. it was cuteness overload...I was working on some party crafting and I looked over to see this going on in my living room...can we say "daddy's girl"
3. bath time - one of kate's favorite things to do...she just loves to kick her little feet around!
4. bumbo time - one of kate's LEAST favorite things to do - yep, that would be her angry face.
So that was it...our week in review...fun times.
Looks like you guys had a great week! I am totally craving that strawberry champagne jam... That just sounds amazing! :)
looks like you guys had a great week. Kendall didn't really like the bumpo at first either.
oh, the iPhone! such a magnificent lil invention ;) my poor dslr has collected dust until recently because of it!
that strawberry champagne jam sounds divine!
baby smiles are simply magical! they never ever get old!
my boys protested the bumbo forever, but eventually fell in love!
John won't take a paci anymore! It's killing me. He's a good boy though so it isn't too bad right now. I was considering trying another brand too. Love your girls!
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