Long gone are our days of diaper bags brimming with everything imaginable....diapers, wipes, bibs, burp cloths, change of clothes, bottles, teethers, rattles, security blankets, nursing pads, and a million other things I'm sure I've already forgotten. These days life is a lot simpler when it comes to what we need to get out of the door...but that doesn't mean we leave the house empty handed either. So, I thought I'd share what we just can't imagine leaving the house without...even as Addie quickly approaches the 2 year mark:
snacks - Addie does snacks...she's not a big "meal" eater...she's my little bird that likes to graze. Which simply means...she wants something no less than every two hours...so snacks are a must anytime we head out. Some of her favorites...aunt annie's fruit snacks, gold fish, happy baby caramel apple yogurt melts, cheese sticks, and plum pouches.
wipes - I don't think I'll ever go another day in my life without a pack of these by my side...perfect for messy faces, spills in the car, diaper duty, dirty hands, and anything else that needs a clean wipe.
favorite book - Addie LOVES to read...she actually asks to bring a book to bed every night...so it's no surprise that they go with us in the car too. It keeps her happy and content while we trek around town...happy toddler = happy mommy and daddy:) anything dr. suess is all the rage right now in our house
water or milk - this girl is ALWAYS thirsty...which means we better have something for her when she asks...I love the thermos foogo cups that are well insulated and really keep her drinks cool so i usually grab those if we plan to be gone for any length of time.
and last but certainly not least...diapers...enough said, right?!
Amazing what a difference two years makes...I usually just carry a small clutch with the diapers, wipes, and snacks...milk/water in the other hand and she covers the book....simple, right?!
**I have not been paid or in any way incentivized to write this post - these opinions are my own and name brands mentioned are those we enjoy in our home.**