The party is a little over a month away but I've taken advantage of some major motivation I've had to get things together and thought I'd share some of the highlights...
"Look whoo's turning 2"...yep, that's the theme...cheesiness to the max...but shouldn't it be for a 2 year old's birthday party?!?! We are going with the owl theme this year which was completely inspired by Addie's halloween costume last year (here are some pictures). Bright pinks and oranges will be the colors and we are planning to host a much smaller gig than last year. Here are a few sneak peaks of some decorations I made purchased (let's be honest...i'm trying to reduce my stress levels these days;)) for the party. We are planning to keep the food pretty simple and as always there will be plenty of sugar to go around. BBQ sandwiches (or maybe sliders...depending on how on fancy we decide to get), Miss Vickie's chips (a household favorite), mom's pasta salad, and red skin potato salad will serve as the main course....and for dessert (who are we kidding...thats what people really look forward to) it will be cupcakes and owl-shaped brownies (wish me luck on that endeavor) and maybe....just maybe some cake pops and/or oreo truffles (game-time decision on those). I'd love to hear what you guys have planned so feel free to share your ideas or thoughts!!!

I can't wait to share all of the post party pics and give credit to the wonderful folks who were able to make my decorating dreams a reality!!!
So cute!! You know I'm a sucker for the owls!!! Best of luck with all the planning :)
oh you kill me! I was thinking of doing the same theme for P's second birthday too!
super cute, I cant wait to see pics from her party. I was going to do an owl theme for Keira's 2nd birthday but changed it to Olivia the pig cause she has a huge obsession with that show.
super, super cute!!! what a great idea! can't believe she's right around the corner to 2!
2 already!?!
I love little owls! I was thinking of doing Ellies birthday party in an owl theme this year, but whoo (get it :) haha) knows!! Cute decorations!!
Hi, thanks for linking to the Mommy Brain Mixer! How cute are those owls! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the decorations!
Oooh I love it! Nolan and I are coming to it :)
LOVE!!! This is such a cute theme!
This is adorable and i love the colors of the owls! Plus, it'll be a great fall theme too! I just found your blog today and love it! Since I'm expecting a little one in October, I'm loving finding Mommy blogs! Also, you should check out the giveaway on my blog today! Its great for Mommas with little ones. :)
I bet this will be so cute! Looks like you've got the decorations under control already! Can't wait to see it come together.
I love parties. Your daughter's 2nd birthday sounds like it will be a *hoot* :)
Those paper owls are so adorable. They have such sweet personalities. I can NOT wait to see what else you have cooking :)
LOVE! I have a small obsession with owls, so I'm so excited to see more!
Have a great weekend!
What a cute idea!!
Such a cute idea!
Such a cute idea!
Really cute!!
This is adorable!!!
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
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