SERIOUSLY...chicken wings for breakfast??? I kid you not...yesterday while waiting for the train at approximately 8:15am, the dude next to me was eating chicken wings...from none other than good ole' 7-11.
SERIOUSLY...why do people make empty promises? I'm very grateful for all of the wonderful favors my friends and family do for me...and I feel like for the most part I'm pretty good at returning the favor. But offering to do something and then not following through and not even acknowledging that you offered to do it and now you're not is really disheartning.
SERIOUSLY...is Addie really going to be 1 next week...I swear I just had her 6 months ago - where has the time gone?!
SERIOUSLY...could I be any happier that Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back at Starbucks. I've had several over the last few weeks and they were so worth the wait!!!
SERIOUSLY...is the high here really only going to be 63 on Sunday...and I totally mean that in a "Oh fall, I'm so glad you are finally winning the battle over Mrs. Summer who has worn out her welcome in these parts of the world."
Hope y'all are having a wonderful Thursday...but if not, no worries - tomorrow is Friday!!!!
Girlfriend, the low on Saturday is supposed to be in the upper 40s!!!
And, try the midnight pumpkin latte at Bean There...so, so good. Trust me. ;)
I can't believe Addie is already a year old!! Our kiddos grow up too fast.
The one year old birthday is so fun! I love chicken wings, so I might eat them for breakfast. :)
Wahoooo for Friday! I love Seriously Thursdays too :)
aww man! i'm jealous your high is in the 60s! were back to the 90s! lol so much for fall right?
and chicken wings for breakfast? really? gross...
YAY for fall weather and pumpkin spice lattes! But what's up with the $5 price tag on that? They must have read our blogs and saw that we would pay that for it. I can't believe Addie is going to be one either!
My little guy is going to be one in a month too, and I feel like the time is flying! I had a pumpkin spice latte this morning and it was amazing!
Haha this chicken wing thing is really so disgusting. But yet funny.
Aww baby girl being 1. Hold on to your heart mama.
Are you ready for her first bday party?!?! (Are we ever???)
As sad as it is that they get old SO fast, it will blow your mind how much they change from here on out..and I mean in a fun, interactive way :).
I LOVE pumpkin spice lattes, but just have not felt like one thus far. I'm hoping once I get over this bleh feeling I'll want one! I can't imagine not having one before they quit selling them!
My little girl will be 6 months on Tuesday and I SWEAR that maybe felt like 2 months max! I can't wait for some cooler weather around here. It was 90 degrees here today, gross!
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are my fave. I'm anxious to see if they will sell them here since there really isn't a Fall. I'm so jealous of the cool temperatures!
Wait till your baby girl is almost 30;) 7 1/2 weeks!
wow 63 and here I thought 80 was cool for the south I guess. Its amazing how fast our little ones grow up I still cant believe Morgan just turned 16 mths where does the time fly to?!
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