Thank you ALL so much for your sweet comments....I feel so relieved to finally be able to put it out there!!! I've been MIA partly because I was at a lost for what to blog about with everything going through my mind being pregnancy related (not to mention my usual blogging hours have been consumed by my need to go to sleep no later than 8:30pm) and the other part is just how busy life has been.
I'm a self admitted type-a personality..."go with the flow" doesn't really fit my personality (not that i don't wish it did) as you can imagine all of the unknowns of pregnancy turn this girl into a complete stress ball. Oh, and confession - I'm also an admitted POS addict...thank goodness for the dollar store tests...otherwise I'm pretty sure we'd be broke from my excessive pregnancy test purchasing. So suffice it to say....the minute we could know....i knew. From 3.5 weeks on I've known this baby was in the making but after the miscarriage this summer we decided that mum was the word and even announcing at 15 weeks (via instagram and our christmas card shown here) left me feeling pretty vulnerable.
But here we are....16 weeks along and while this pregnancy has not been without its issues (saving this for another post but I have a subchorionic hematoma that's kept us on edge) we feel so lucky and blessed to be this far along and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of this precious bundle of joy in May!!!
If you're wondering how I broke the news to my hubs...I let Addie do all of the work. I had a big sister shirt that I let her brag about to her daddy (complete with "hey dadda, look at my shirt!"). His reaction was surprise but expected!
I've been feeling pretty good...this pregnancy pretty much resembles that of my morning sickness, lots of tiredness, and extreme hunger and food cravings (hot foods and salty foods have been my weakness this go round). I'm still barely fitting into some of my larger size work clothes but everything else is all maternity!! I sleep pretty well at night...other than getting up to pee at least once and thankfully the hot flashes that seemed to plague me the first 14 weeks have subsided (totally scared of menopause now). I'm trying to take it all in and enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can...I'm starting to feel some small little flutters down there and now that some second trimester energy is showing up I'm starting to make nursery plans.
In case you're wondering...Addie has taken the news in stride. She can point to where the baby is in my belly but really isn't interested in talking much else about this "baby" thats in momma's belly. I know that will all change once the baby is here:) I know, this is a random post with some details scattered in...I just feel like I don't even know where to start with 16 weeks to catch up on....but in short - we are beyond thrilled that baby #2 is on the way...another miracle in the making:)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
from our home to yours....and a little surprise
wishing everyone a very happy holiday season!!! and yes, we are pregnant!!! 16 weeks along and I'm hoping to catch up with some posts with all of the details soon. this little one is due may 30, 2013 and i cannot thank all of you enough for all of your support and encouraging words this summer!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
put me in coach...
One of my favorite memories of our recent trip to Iowa was watching Addie interact with her second cousins....whom she had never met before. Cautious at first...she most certainly was but by the end she couldn't get enough of my cousin's 3 boys. And watching them with her...just made my heart melt...they were so understanding. Even when she had to have e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. they touched. While I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted...I managed to snap a few of them enjoying some time kicking a soccer ball around. Addie didn't quite get it...but these boys...they tried to teach her...tried to show her how to play the game. And while she wasn't their best student...even the blades of grass distracted her...she had fun!!!
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a little kick |
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inspecting this so-called "soccer ball" |
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its not an all-out sprint unless your tongue hangs out |
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"mom, i just scored the big one!!!" |
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future david beckham |
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
we will never forget
I'll never forget the day...the place...the voices...the emotions...the fear. Those memories are etched in my mind forever...but today, 11 years later...serves as a reminder of all of the sacrifice that so many Americans made and continue to make to support this county and preserve our freedom...and that should never be forgotten.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Show & Tell...oohhh, baby!!
I'm linking up for another wonderful week with Becky over at "From Mrs. to Mama" for Show & Tell Monday...and this week we are talking all things baby...yay!! So...I'll list the questions and share my responses....and if you haven't already - head on over and link-up and share in the fun!!
1. Tell us your favorite baby names.
Side Note: Don't expect any of these to make the final list when it comes to the hubs and I choosing a name in the future - we couldn't be more different in what we it will take quite a bit of convincing for any of these to make the cut...
2. Show me your dream nursery.
3. How many children would you like to have? How far apart? to answer this?! ok, so if you'd asked me before we actually had Addie I would have told you the number was exceptions, no questions asked. Now...I really don't know - the hubs and I have agreed to take it one at a time and know that we'll know when were done. No, not like Duggar style or anything like that...I'm not sure we'll even make it to 3.
4. Tell us what you think the importance of parenting is.
Not to sound cliche...but parenting is giving your child deep that they know right from wrong, have a desire to leave this world a little better than they found it, treat others with respect and compassion, and always say "i love you." And then giving them strong that they can build their own lives on the foundation of everything you taught them.
5. Show us your favorite newborn photo. time I'm totally doing this...I die at the cuteness of this pic:
6. Tell us some things you promise never to do as a parent (and if you are a parent, did you stick to it).
No video games...none. Will they play them at their friends houses? Yep. Will they beg me and grovel at my feet? I'm sure. Will I give in? No. I won't get on my soap box about what I think video games have done to society...I could write a whole post on that...and they are here to stay... but not in my house.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
how beautiful is the day that is touched by love...
the day we laid my grampie to rest was a beautiful one...the sun was shining..not a cloud in the sky. his service was held in davenport, iowa and he was laid to rest in the rock island national cemetary in moline, illinois...just a short trek over the mighty mississippi...i'll let the pictures tell the story.
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Benjamin Franklin Matthews 1921-2012 |
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the final of the most touching memories |
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speechless |
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my cousin and brother |
and we're back....
not that anyone knew we were gone...BUT, we spent the last half of last week in Iowa celebrating my grampie's life and enjoying all of the wonderful memories the years held. We were wheels down on the ground in Norfolk at about midnight on Friday and woke early Saturday to take a much needed 3 day hiatus in the Outer Banks...toes in the sand and a pina colada in my hand was just what we needed. I've got tons of pictures I can't wait to share, a few toddler travel tidbits, and hopefully a little blog sale of some of Addie's stuff planned soon!!! Gotta love these 4 day work weeks!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
what's in my toddler bag

Long gone are our days of diaper bags brimming with everything imaginable....diapers, wipes, bibs, burp cloths, change of clothes, bottles, teethers, rattles, security blankets, nursing pads, and a million other things I'm sure I've already forgotten. These days life is a lot simpler when it comes to what we need to get out of the door...but that doesn't mean we leave the house empty handed either. So, I thought I'd share what we just can't imagine leaving the house without...even as Addie quickly approaches the 2 year mark:
snacks - Addie does snacks...she's not a big "meal" eater...she's my little bird that likes to graze. Which simply means...she wants something no less than every two snacks are a must anytime we head out. Some of her favorites...aunt annie's fruit snacks, gold fish, happy baby caramel apple yogurt melts, cheese sticks, and plum pouches.
wipes - I don't think I'll ever go another day in my life without a pack of these by my side...perfect for messy faces, spills in the car, diaper duty, dirty hands, and anything else that needs a clean wipe.
favorite book - Addie LOVES to read...she actually asks to bring a book to bed every it's no surprise that they go with us in the car too. It keeps her happy and content while we trek around town...happy toddler = happy mommy and daddy:) anything dr. suess is all the rage right now in our house
water or milk - this girl is ALWAYS thirsty...which means we better have something for her when she asks...I love the thermos foogo cups that are well insulated and really keep her drinks cool so i usually grab those if we plan to be gone for any length of time.
and last but certainly not least...diapers...enough said, right?!
Amazing what a difference two years makes...I usually just carry a small clutch with the diapers, wipes, and snacks...milk/water in the other hand and she covers the book....simple, right?!
**I have not been paid or in any way incentivized to write this post - these opinions are my own and name brands mentioned are those we enjoy in our home.**
Monday, August 27, 2012
show & tell - all things wedding
Linking up for the second week with Becky over at From Mrs. to Mama for show & tell...this week we are sharing all things wedding...which can i just say, where in the world was pinterest when I was planning my wedding?!?!
1. Are you married? If so, when did you get married and tell us about your special day.
YES...and have been happily so for 4 1/2 years...although it seems like its only been a year. We said "i do" on a beautiful spring day on a green overlooking the sand dunes of the chesapeake bay. we completely lucked out weather wise and celebrated with family and close friends. one of my favorite memories was the dinner we enjoyed together away from everyone else where we really got the chance to soak it all in (i highly recommend at least 10 minutes of alone time during your event)..we went with a station/buffet style dinner so we actually chowed down during the cocktail hour (which was the "picture hour" for us and we snuck in a meal at the end while our wedding party got started on the end of cocktail hour...i really don't think anyone had any idea we even slipped away).
2. Show us some wedding pictures.
3. How about the engagement. Tell us your story.
eeeeppp...slightly embarrassed to say but I helped my hubs pick my i totally knew it was coming...and i was totally inquiring on a daily basis what the hold up was...yes, i was that girl. he surprised me by proposing in our home one evening after i had just finished my shower...we celebrated by getting dessert at the melting pot.
4. Show us your wedding rings or an engagement photo.
5. Tell us why you think marriage doesn't work out for so many. What can we do to make things last.
COMMUNICATION is key....for real. Make big decisions together...and be considerate of each other's feelings...and always kiss each other matter how mad you are - sounds corny and cliche but it's worked for us.
YES...and have been happily so for 4 1/2 years...although it seems like its only been a year. We said "i do" on a beautiful spring day on a green overlooking the sand dunes of the chesapeake bay. we completely lucked out weather wise and celebrated with family and close friends. one of my favorite memories was the dinner we enjoyed together away from everyone else where we really got the chance to soak it all in (i highly recommend at least 10 minutes of alone time during your event)..we went with a station/buffet style dinner so we actually chowed down during the cocktail hour (which was the "picture hour" for us and we snuck in a meal at the end while our wedding party got started on the end of cocktail hour...i really don't think anyone had any idea we even slipped away).
2. Show us some wedding pictures.
eeeeppp...slightly embarrassed to say but I helped my hubs pick my i totally knew it was coming...and i was totally inquiring on a daily basis what the hold up was...yes, i was that girl. he surprised me by proposing in our home one evening after i had just finished my shower...we celebrated by getting dessert at the melting pot.
4. Show us your wedding rings or an engagement photo.
a picture speaks a thousand all time fave pic of my rings...a very simple platinum set with a round cut diamond |
5. Tell us why you think marriage doesn't work out for so many. What can we do to make things last.
COMMUNICATION is key....for real. Make big decisions together...and be considerate of each other's feelings...and always kiss each other matter how mad you are - sounds corny and cliche but it's worked for us.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Addie's 2nd birthday preview
The party is a little over a month away but I've taken advantage of some major motivation I've had to get things together and thought I'd share some of the highlights...
"Look whoo's turning 2"...yep, that's the theme...cheesiness to the max...but shouldn't it be for a 2 year old's birthday party?!?! We are going with the owl theme this year which was completely inspired by Addie's halloween costume last year (here are some pictures). Bright pinks and oranges will be the colors and we are planning to host a much smaller gig than last year. Here are a few sneak peaks of some decorations I made purchased (let's be honest...i'm trying to reduce my stress levels these days;)) for the party. We are planning to keep the food pretty simple and as always there will be plenty of sugar to go around. BBQ sandwiches (or maybe sliders...depending on how on fancy we decide to get), Miss Vickie's chips (a household favorite), mom's pasta salad, and red skin potato salad will serve as the main course....and for dessert (who are we kidding...thats what people really look forward to) it will be cupcakes and owl-shaped brownies (wish me luck on that endeavor) and maybe....just maybe some cake pops and/or oreo truffles (game-time decision on those). I'd love to hear what you guys have planned so feel free to share your ideas or thoughts!!!

I can't wait to share all of the post party pics and give credit to the wonderful folks who were able to make my decorating dreams a reality!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
If heaven wasn't so far away...
I suppose if heaven wasn't so far away this would all be easier...but we all know the truth. I'll always long for one more happy hour, one more hug, one more conversation, one more card, one more memory...but it won't happen. Yesterday I lost my of my biggest cheerleaders, Ohio State's biggest fan, and one of the most wonderful people god ever lent to this earth. I know he's up there looking down on us all with great love...I hope he's found my poppa and maybe they've shared a memory and a laugh. I don't suppose collecting angels was what I expected to be doing this summer but I'm thankful that the pain has ended and the suffering is one should have to spend their last days like that. My Grampie was 91 years old when he left this earth and he without doubt did so much for this place the 91 years he spent here. A purple heart veteran of WWII, an honest business man with customer service as his priority, and most importantly a loving father, grandfather, and great simply could not ask for more.
"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear."
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3 generations of boys - my grampie, brother, and dad |
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my grampie and grammie having fun with the kids;) |
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my grammie and grampie |
Monday, August 20, 2012
show & tell
Joining in on a brand new link-up hosted by none other than the adorable, fun-loving, and hysterical Becky from Mrs. to Mama for show & tell...this week being all things home.
1. If you were searching for a home now, tell me what would be on your "must" list. That's a pretty long list these days...after buying our current fixer upper and doing so much to it...I simply can't imagine starting over in our next home SO, i really really want to buy something that I absolutely love and has everything i want (yea, probably not going to happen unless we build). top 5 would be:
1. Gourmet kitchen - nice appliances, great cabinet space, solid surface counters, and one of those auto hot-water faucets above the stove would be really nice too.
2. Screen porch - I dont really do bugs...and mosquitos love me....which makes life outside difficult during the summer but i love being outside. the screen porch is a total haven for me...i love drinking coffee and reading a book on ours and really can't imagine not having one in our next house
3. Walk-in attic space - I know it sounds kind of silly that this would make my top 5...but I cannot even begin to count the number of times totes have piled up in my house because it is such a pain to get into our attic. I'd love to have attic space off a FROG or in the second story that I could just walk into and stow away our stuff!!
4. Open floor plan - We love to entertain and having an open floor plan just makes this so much more feasible. I can't stand wasted space in homes and I think having a floor plan that's very open totally helps to minimize that issue.
5. Nice yard size - This is totally a to run (for us and the dogs). I also love to garden and plant flowers so space...we need space!
2. Show me your favorite room in a home. As for my favorite room in a home...I'm still giddy excited over our kitchen remodel we just completed. You can go here to get all of the juicy details and here's a pic of the finished project!
3. If you could have any room redone, tell me which one it would be and what you would like done. I have to be honest here...the hubs and I bought a fixer-upper 5 years ago and have been remodeling it over the last 5 years...the kitchen remodel was really our last big project but our master bedroom could still use some re-doing. I bought new bedding and repainted when we had our floors refinished as part of the kitchen remodel but it just lacks something. I think it needs more's just so plain. So..while there isn't anything huge I want done...I'd love to spice it up a bit!
4. Tell me where your favorite stores are to shop for home decor. Lately, I have been completely loving this little shop in Virginia Beach called Chartreuse. It's totally vintage and I just love all of the fun things they find and spruce up. We are in the midst of putting together Addie's big girl room and I've been able to find so many fun things here. I also love Home Goods for discount home decor, overstock for rugs, and pottery barn and restoration hardware for everything else.
5. Show me your dream home. hard to pick. Some days I find myself longing for a home in the country with a huge garden, beautiful farm house, and lots of land. Other days I just want a bigger home close to where we currently live in the 'burbs. Anyhow, here's a house I found that I just can't get enough of (y'all look at those porches...amazing):
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
our BIG kitchen remodel - AFTER - part I it apologies for taking so long to post the AFTER pictures...most of you have probably forgotten I was even blogging about our kitchen remodel...but I'm so excited to be sharing our "after" pics!! If you want a refresh you can find the "before" post here and the "during" post here. We are still putting some finishing touches on the living area that was also a victim of this transformation but the dining room and kitchen are done...with the exception for a serious need for artwork and wall decor in the dining room...we're working on that.
As for what we did....
* we tore out 4 walls and added some support in our attic and underneath our house as one of the walls was load-bearing (we also put a long header in and basically have a huge cased opening from our living area to our kitchen/dining area - i was leery of this idea originally but love the results - it really gives some subtle room definition).
* we replaced all of our kitchen cabinets and countertops and added the island. we also moved the sink location to the island and placed the stove where the sink previously was.
* we added a little computer/mail nook so that when baby #2 becomes a reality we won't miss losing our home office. we worked with lowes on the cabinet design and they were able to include some "office-type" cabinets in our kitchen design so we really have a small home office built in to our kitchen but with the uniform cabinetry it blends really well.
* we had all of the hardwood in our home refinished and stained a dark walnut color and a satin finish clear coat put over them (we previously had a honey color with a high gloss coat which showed the dog scratches like whoa) of the best decisions we made. we actually also had some new hardwood installed in our kitchen which had previously boasted a beautiful brick laminate flooring (insert sarcasm here). i was completely unsure of how the results would turn out but you cannot tell where the old stops and the new starts...did i mention i love the nice man that did this work for us?!?!
* we converted our boiler/furnace to natural gas from oil. y'all, oil was making me a poor poor woman...natural gas is much more eco-friendly and allowed my hubs to get his coveted gas stove.
* we added a lot of overhead lighting to brighten things up.
* we stressed, cried, screamed, laughed, moved out of our house, and in the end...couldn't be happier with results....

just looking at the before and after of the kitchen alone is crazy. i'm so used to the new and looking back at the old makes me wonder how we survived 5 years of crafting dinners together in our tiny kitchen!!

the pictures above and below totally highlight the walls we removed to make this whole "open-feel" idea work. we always knew we wanted open living space and we are just loving our new digs.

the picture above is actually from a few steps in from the front door. Crazy what a difference it is!!!
I'm hoping to have the last few little projects finished up SOON so I can share our living room transformation as well...
As always...any questions...I'm an open book - just let me know!
UPDATE: Here are the deets on where we got everything:
Cabinets: Kraftmaid cabinets from Lowes
Counters: Kraftmaid granite from Lowes
Tile backsplash: Slate subway tile from Lowes
Stove: GE cafe 30" dual-fuel range direct from GE
Microwave: GE cafe Advantium oven direct from GE
Refrigerator: LG 31 cubic feet french door from Best Buy
Dishwasher: Bosch stainless steel from Lowes
Dining Room table and chair set - Distressed mango wood purchased from Home Emporium
Light Fixtures: from Home Depot
Sink Fixtures: Kohler from Home Depot
Bar Stools: Blair counter stool from Ethan Allen
Dining Room Rug - grey trellis rug from Overstock
Kitchen rug - savannah cane runner from Crate & Barrel
PS I'm also sharing this post as part of Amanda's weekend bloggy's a great place to share your favorite post of the week and check out some craftiness, humor, and inspiration!!
As for what we did....
* we tore out 4 walls and added some support in our attic and underneath our house as one of the walls was load-bearing (we also put a long header in and basically have a huge cased opening from our living area to our kitchen/dining area - i was leery of this idea originally but love the results - it really gives some subtle room definition).
* we replaced all of our kitchen cabinets and countertops and added the island. we also moved the sink location to the island and placed the stove where the sink previously was.
* we added a little computer/mail nook so that when baby #2 becomes a reality we won't miss losing our home office. we worked with lowes on the cabinet design and they were able to include some "office-type" cabinets in our kitchen design so we really have a small home office built in to our kitchen but with the uniform cabinetry it blends really well.
* we had all of the hardwood in our home refinished and stained a dark walnut color and a satin finish clear coat put over them (we previously had a honey color with a high gloss coat which showed the dog scratches like whoa) of the best decisions we made. we actually also had some new hardwood installed in our kitchen which had previously boasted a beautiful brick laminate flooring (insert sarcasm here). i was completely unsure of how the results would turn out but you cannot tell where the old stops and the new starts...did i mention i love the nice man that did this work for us?!?!
* we converted our boiler/furnace to natural gas from oil. y'all, oil was making me a poor poor woman...natural gas is much more eco-friendly and allowed my hubs to get his coveted gas stove.
* we added a lot of overhead lighting to brighten things up.
* we stressed, cried, screamed, laughed, moved out of our house, and in the end...couldn't be happier with results....
I have to admit...looking back at everything I totally wish I'd been better with keeping up with the are some side-by-side comparisons of the changes...did I mention I'm really glad this whole process is over....

just looking at the before and after of the kitchen alone is crazy. i'm so used to the new and looking back at the old makes me wonder how we survived 5 years of crafting dinners together in our tiny kitchen!!

the pictures above and below totally highlight the walls we removed to make this whole "open-feel" idea work. we always knew we wanted open living space and we are just loving our new digs.

the picture above is actually from a few steps in from the front door. Crazy what a difference it is!!!
I'm hoping to have the last few little projects finished up SOON so I can share our living room transformation as well...
As always...any questions...I'm an open book - just let me know!
UPDATE: Here are the deets on where we got everything:
Cabinets: Kraftmaid cabinets from Lowes
Counters: Kraftmaid granite from Lowes
Tile backsplash: Slate subway tile from Lowes
Stove: GE cafe 30" dual-fuel range direct from GE
Microwave: GE cafe Advantium oven direct from GE
Refrigerator: LG 31 cubic feet french door from Best Buy
Dishwasher: Bosch stainless steel from Lowes
Dining Room table and chair set - Distressed mango wood purchased from Home Emporium
Light Fixtures: from Home Depot
Sink Fixtures: Kohler from Home Depot
Bar Stools: Blair counter stool from Ethan Allen
Dining Room Rug - grey trellis rug from Overstock
Kitchen rug - savannah cane runner from Crate & Barrel
PS I'm also sharing this post as part of Amanda's weekend bloggy's a great place to share your favorite post of the week and check out some craftiness, humor, and inspiration!!
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